Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Arteries in Human Body


Abdomen arteries

The abdominal arteries include:

Celiac trunk. Branching off from the abdominal aorta, the celiac trunk divides into smaller arteries that supply organs such as the stomach, liver, and spleen.

Superior mesenteric. Also branching off of the abdominal aorta, it sends blood to the small intestine, pancreas, and most of the large intestine.

Inferior mesenteric. Like the superior mesenteric artery, this artery also branches off of the abdominal aorta and supplies blood to the last portion of the large intestine, which includes the rectum.

Inferior phrenic. These are paired arteries that supply blood to the diaphragm.

Adrenal. The adrenal arteries are paired arteries that send blood to the adrenal glands.

Renal. These paired arteries deliver blood to the kidneys.

Lumbar. These paired arteries send blood to the vertebrae and spinal cord.

Gonadal. The gonadal arteries are paired arteries that send blood to the testes in males and the ovaries in females.

Common iliac. This branch of the abdominal aorta divides into the internal and external iliac arteries.

Internal iliac. Derived from the common iliac artery, this artery supplies blood to the bladder, pelvis, and external portion of the genitals. It also supplies the uterus and vagina in females.

External iliac. Also arising from the common iliac artery, this artery eventually becomes the femoral artery.

Arteries of the legs
Leg arteries include:

Femoral. Derived from the external iliac artery, this artery supplies blood to the thigh and divides into the various smaller arteries that supply the legs.
Genicular. This supplies blood to the knee region.
Popliteal. This is the name given to the femoral artery as it passes below the knee.
Anterior and posterior tibial. Derived from the popliteal artery, these arteries supply blood to the lower portion of the leg. When they reach the ankle, they divide further to supply the ankle and foot region.


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