Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Homeopathy - Applied Organon by Dr. P.S. Krishnamurty - Book Information

Salimashraf Publishers



50 - Cure by symptom similarity!

54-69 Against antipathy treatment

71 - Homeopathic operation of cure - Three Important Issues

As it is now no longer a matter of doubt that the diseases of mankind consist merely of groups of certain symptoms, and may be annihilated and transformed into health by medicinal substances, but only by such as are capable of artificially producing similar morbid symptoms (and such is the process in all genuine cures), hence the operation of curing is comprised in the three following points:

I. How is the physician to ascertain what is necessary to be known in order to cure the disease?

II. How is he to gain a knowledge of the instruments adapted for the cure of the  natural disease, the pathogenetic powers of the medicines?

III. What is the most suitable method of employing these artificial morbific agents (medicines) for the cure of natural disease?

105 - Acquiring knowledge of the instruments intended for the cure of the natural diseases

210 - Points regarding certain mental diseases start.


Almost all the so-called mental and emotional diseases are nothing more than corporeal diseases in which the symptom of derangement of the mind and disposition peculiar to each of them is increased, while the corporeal symptoms decline (more or less rapidly), till it a length attains the most striking one-sidedness, almost as though it were a local disease in the invisible subtle organ of the mind or disposition.

Solved Papers On Organon And Philosophy

Anjal Basatwar

B. Jain Publishers - 359 pages

The American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists

Promoting Integrity, Quality, and Trust Since 1923.

Alternative Medicine Milwaukie, OR

Monday, June 21, 2021

Homeopathy - Homeopathic Philosophy - Introduction and Bibliography


How to Learn Homeopathy – Homeopathic Philosophy

By Dana Ullman MPH

Homeopathic Educational Services

Store Address :

812C Camelia St., Berkeley, CA. 94710.

Phone : (510) 649-0294 (for orders only)

The Genius of Homeopathy
Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy
By Dr Stuart M. CLOSE
Presented by Médi-T 

Chapter III
Schools of Philosophy